Written by Britt Lynn
Don’t get me wrong, Christmas is my most favorite time of the year; however, 2020 was different. I don’t mean to sound like the Grinch, but… “Is it over yet?” Was it different for you, too?

Yeah, Mr. Nasty (aka COVID-19) put a real damper on the holiday season, but nothing compared to the countless lives that have been lost during this horrific pandemic for all of 2020, not just at Christmastime. So, for that reason alone, I’m just thankful to be here sharing with you and my heart goes out to everyone who has lost loved ones due to Covid.
Actually, getting through the holidays for many – Covid or not – is a sad time of the year. For me, I lost my Grandfather this past October – not to Covid, but to the other “C-word,” cancer. Although he lived a long and blessed life of 87 years, he was the best PawPaw a girl could have… and I miss him every day.
How did I get through it all? I stayed busy, as most Moms do during the holidays… whether we want to or not. So without further ado, let me properly introduce myself and perhaps you will understand, like many of you, why I have so many “irons in the fire” so to speak, why I’m tired all of the time, why I occasionally sit down and have a good cry, and… why I wouldn’t change a thing!

My name is Britt Lynn. I’m married to Mike and I have a nine-year-old daughter named Claire (she thinks she’s 19), an 18-month-old son named Beau (he’s the reason why our Christmas tree was only decorated on the top half… did anyone else’s tree look like this?), and a bonus stepdaughter who is 3-years-old named Madison (she likes to brush her teeth EVERY time she goes to the bathroom… Every.Single.Time.) We have a rescued St. Bernard named Sadie, a sweet Pit puppy named Lola, and a hedgehog named S’mores. Is that everybody? Think so! Wait here while I go check!
In addition, I own my own salon in which I work as a hairdresser and barber. Yes, everyone wants me to perform miracles on them. I do my best. My husband remodels homes and when I have the time, I enjoy crafting and researching the best of the best Kid Stuff for you guys; always looking for products that my own kids would enjoy as well.
But what was my main focus during the holiday season? Keeping that pesky Elf on the Shelf out of trouble! Ours is named Elvis, by the way. He’s very mischievous… like having a fourth child in the house! He just about wore out his welcome. I’m glad he went back home until next Thanksgiving… one less mouth to feed, too!
Yes, 2020 was different in a lot of ways. Like many others did in the beginning – and a lot still are – Claire and I also did the homeschool/virtual learning thing. How many meltdowns did you experience? We had more than I could keep track of… then, I got up and brushed myself off and kept going! Oh, and Claire had a few too!
Fortunately, for our area of the country, Claire eventually had the option last Fall to continue with virtual learning or going back into the classroom. She jumped at the chance to go back to school… and I definitely joined her in the celebration.
But here’s a little admission on my personal feelings about it all – As a Mom, homeschooling was the hardest and most frustrating thing I’ve ever experienced. However, as anxious as I was to get Claire back in school, I tried not to be hurt by her overly-enthusiastic attitude of going back and leaving me behind. It was as if she said, “See ya, Mom… I’m outta here!” – and never looked back!
How do you Moms out there handle homeschooling? If you are looking for a few helpful hints, I’ve done some research on the topic and have compiled a useful list of learning tips to help keep your child involved and interested in their coursework.
If Claire needs to go back to homeschooling mode again… I’ll be more prepared. Let’s hope for both of our sakes, that doesn’t happen! Oh, and by the way, hats off to all of our children’s educators… they are truly heroes in my eyes. And for Moms that choose to homeschool full-time, pandemic or not, kudos to you too!
I certainly hope that everyone had a nice Christmas, regardless of the circumstances. Looking back to when I was a kid, Christmas vacation was the most exciting time of the year for sure. No school for two whole weeks! I slept till noon every day, stayed up half the night talking on the phone, played video games, hung out with friends at the mall, and, if it snowed… that was the best, for in the south we didn’t see much of the white stuff. I have so many great memories of Christmases past.
My fondest memory? Probably the few weeks leading up to Christmas as a teenager. I would beg and wear down my Mother till she let me open my presents that were already under the tree… just to shut me up I suppose. Yes, there was a method to my madness. I soon learned that for every gift I opened early, she would replace it before the Big Day; therefore, doubling my haul!
Oh, those were the days… It seemed like forever between one Christmas to the next. Yes, 2020 was different for everyone and I’m sure you had time to reflect on past holidays as well. Perhaps it was the best part of Christmas 2020 for you! Thinking back, even though my Mom knew what I was up to every Christmas, she played along but never let me forget the true meaning of Christmas.
So, was Christmas 2020 one for the record books? Well, even though social distancing kept our family apart just like so many others, it was nice to spend Christmas day truly enjoying quality time with the kiddos, playing with new toys, praying for families that have lost loved ones, and wishing PawPaw a Merry Christmas in Heaven.

As we all embark upon this new year, I hope it will comfort you to know that you are not alone, we are all busy just trying to get by, we all have “stuff” going on, and most of all, I hope you and your family stay healthy and happy, even in the midst of adversity.
So, “Is it over yet?” Yes, Christmas is over… and, I wouldn’t have changed a thing! Let 2021 begin (queue the fireworks). I’m looking forward to the new year, as I’m sure you are too! From my family to yours, Happy New Year!
Blessings to all,
Britt Lynn
January 2021 Edition