“A quarterly blog with a month to month take on the goings on in my life. I’m certain we share many similarities.” – Britt Lynn, Chief Editor
Ah, a fresh new year! We all tend to look at a new year as the start of new opportunities. Let’s all focus on making 2022 the best year ever!
Fall is my most favorite time of the year! The leaves falling, the hot chocolate, brisk walks, and the road trips with the kiddos!
AUGUST 2021: “Summer is FINALLY here!”
August is here! And, ALL 3 of my kids’ birthdays… what’s a mom to do? Plan a birthday party, or two, or three, of course!
MAY 2021: “What Can I Do Now?”
I have bored children. You have bored children. We have bored children. But, ALAS! I have ideas! And, let’s not forget to thank our mothers for all they’ve done for us while we observe Mother’s Day in May!
APRIL 2021: “Yes, I Have a Fever… SPRING FEVER!”
These cold snaps are putting a damper on my SPRING! Patience, Britt… patience.
MARCH 2021: “Pets Aplenty!”
We are an animal loving family and sometimes it feels like I’m raising a houseful of kids! Not sure which is harder, the furry ones or the talking ones!
FEBRUARY 2021: “Let it Snow!… Let it Snow!… Let it Snow!… Or, Not!”
No. No snow. Nope. Nada. Don’t want it. That’s all. Well, that’s not EXACTLY all… I always have something to say.
JANUARY 2021: “Is It Over Yet? Reflections on the Crazy Year of 2020”
There’s so much to say about the year 2020.